Dan Drastic (Moon Harbour, Hairy Claw, Leipzig)

17.09.2022 Saturday Rave
24.09.2021 indoor - reopening
19.11.2019 Round And Round - The World Tour
22.12.2018 Saturday Rave
02.10.2017 BPitch Control
15.11.2016 Momentum Album Tour
19.03.2016 Different and Beautiful
17.11.2015 15 Years Moon Harbour
30.05.2015 Moon Harbour presents Sven Tasnadi Album Launch
18.04.2015 KaaWee 16
04.04.2015 Ten Years - Luna City Express
15.11.2014 Moon Harbour Showcase
06.09.2014 Death by House
30.04.2014 Mobilee Back to Back
20.04.2014 14 Years of Moon Harbour
25.12.2013 Moon Harbour Showcase
16.11.2013 Moon Harbour Showcase
21.09.2013 Moon Harbour Showcase meets Syntax
26.06.2013 Moon Harbour Showcase Special Matthias Tanzmann Birthday
30.04.2013 Moon Harbour Showcase
23.02.2013 Moon Harbour Showcase meets Downground
25.12.2012 Moon Harbour Showcase
13.10.2012 moon harbour flights meets feenstaub
23.06.2012 Moon Harbour Inhouse Vol.4 Tour & EM 2012 - Viertelfinale
28.04.2012 Moon Harbour Flights meets Feenstaub
18.02.2012 Moon Harbour Flights meets Bass Plus!
24.12.2011 moon harbour flights
29.10.2011 moon harbour flights
09.07.2011 Closing
25.06.2011 moon harbour flights
08.06.2011 Tille Tubby Land
30.04.2011 moon harbour flights pres. five years cargo edition
19.02.2011 moon harbour flights meets feenstaub & friends
25.12.2010 moon harbour flights meets feenstaub & friends
30.10.2010 ten years of moon harbour
10.04.2010 moon harbour flights meets syntax
20.02.2010 moon harbour flights meets feenstaub & friends
26.12.2009 moon harbour label flight meets definition
31.10.2009 moon harbour label flight meets darkstar
17.10.2009 17 Years Old - Part II
29.08.2009 re:opening after summerbreak
25.07.2009 The Last Dance!
20.05.2009 Happy Birthday BPitch Control!
25.04.2009 Moon Harbour Label Flight meets Darkstar
31.12.2008 Silvester in Family
27.09.2008 Moon Harbour Label Flight meets Darkstar
03.05.2008 The Devil's Advocate
26.01.2008 Moon Harbour Label Flight vs. Blackred Beat Battle
27.10.2007 15 Years Old II - Remember the Roots
22.09.2007 Moon Harbour Label Flight + Birthday Syntax Records
21.07.2007 Moon Harbour Label Flight + Blackred Beatbattle
30.06.2007 Moon Harbour Label Flight & Markus Welbys Birthday Bash
13.05.2007 Pop Up Special: Afterhour
22.04.2007 Energy Clubzone - Afterhour
17.03.2007 Blackred presents: Sky Dive from Venus! + Moon Harbour Label Flight
04.11.2006 Wake Up!
16.09.2006 Moon Harbour meets Audiofiction
12.02.2006 Horizon
11.02.2006 Moon Harbour meets Audiofiction
18.12.2005 Horizon
12.04.2003 Audioelectronic